Book 1 Journal Entry 103

Book 1 Journal Entry 103

Journal 103

Apparently, the members of people Bear Country object to rules put in place without their consent. I try to be a good leader but sometimes it seems I jump the gun and forget that other people have opinions. With that said, I held a meeting to discuss “Bliss” with everyone that lives in Bear Country. Most people attended. Sheriff Pete discussed the proposed no drug use policy inside of Bear Country. Marty, Gretchen, and Cecelia gave a wonderful talk on the pitfalls of using drugs and the journal club helped by making the fliers and pictures for the presentation. It seems I prematurely banned the use of “Bliss” inside of Bear Country. I focused on the illegal drug issue. It didn’t occur to me that I should take a vote.

The citizen of Bear Country voted to:

  1. Ban the use of “Bliss” inside of Bear Country.
  2. Anyone caught using “Bliss” inside of Bear Country will be asked to stop their use.
  3. If they cannot stop using “Bliss”, they will be asked to leave Bear Country.
  4. Anyone caught selling “Bliss” inside of Bear Country will be asked to leave immediately.

Casey made it back to Bear Country safely. I still do not know who she went to see or why.

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