Book 2 Journal Entry 97

Book 2 Journal Entry 97

Journal 97

The snow continues to fall. I went for a walk earlier to get away from the sadness and despair of this place. I couldn’t take the moaning and groaning for one moment longer. There are two feet of snow in places outside, or more. I really wasn’t paying much attention to the depth of snow I was trampling through. I walked around the entire campus, down the street and through the park. It was quite beautiful to see everything covered in snow. After I was sufficiently frozen to the bone, I went back home to Bear Country.

Marty and Cecelia are trying to recover from their illnesses and come to terms with the death of Gretchen and her baby. It’s sad the library trio is now a duo plus baby. I can’t believe Gretchen is gone. I feel guilty about her dying. I know I couldn’t have done anything to change what happened but…maybe if I had checked on her at least one more time, she would have had the strength to pull thru.

Tony, Victor, Matt, and Jonas have been collecting wood to burn in the barrels. Partly out of necessity and partly because of built up frustration at our current situation. I am proud of Victor. He has worked hard despite not feeling well.

I think most of the wooden chairs inside the school have been broken into bits. I suggested they only break enough chairs to use now but no one was interested in what I had to say so I didn’t push it. I did put my foot down to keep Jonas from removing the chair in my room. I need that chair. A quarter of the length of the far wall is stacked with wood (mostly broken chairs and tables) and other things that will burn. The room has been staying comfortable. The boys placed the three barrels strategically around the room. The ceiling has a layer of smoke a couple of feet deep but most of it seems to make its way out the hole in the ceiling.

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