Book 2 Journal Entry 96
Journal 96
I hadn’t been asleep long when I heard the baby cry. I kept my eyes closed listening to Gretchen taking care of her baby. I was so tired that I was only going to get up if she needed my help. I think I listened to the baby cry for a good five minutes. I sleepily got up to help Gretchen. I was silently protesting the need to get out of bed. Hemy also got up to help. We both looked at each other half-asleep. I leaned over, tapped Gretchen, and told her that her new baby was hungry. He survived his first few hours he deserved the chance to eat. Hemy was a little more forceful in trying to waken Gretchen. I think we both noticed while Gretchen had died. Hemy sat down and cried, and I sat down and cried. Hemy took the baby from his mother’s arms and held him close and cried some more.
Hemy and I sat next to Gretchen’s body for a good while. I heard Cecelia wake up. Her fever broke. She was asking for her baby. I didn’t even realize she had remembered delivering her baby. I looked at Hemy and Gretchen’s baby and then at Cecelia’s dead baby we had bundled up in a blanket and set aside. I don’t regret our decision. I think it was the right thing to do. Hemy and I handed Gretchen’s baby to Cecelia.