Book 2 Journal Entry 94

Book 2 Journal Entry 94

Journal 94

I’m tired and my head hurts. I need to sleep. We all need to sleep but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. There is too much commotion happening around here. Sick people are everywhere. A few are taking care of the majority.

I think I liked it better when Marty was unconscious. He keeps trying to get out of bed and help Gretchen and Cecelia. The only problem is that he is running a high fever and keeps falling down every time he gets out of bed. One of these times he is going to crack his head open. I am getting tired of putting him back into bed. Tony is tired of putting Marty back into bed. If Marty gets up again Tony said he is going to tie him down so that he can’t get back up.

Cecelia is laboring but laboring quietly. If she is in as much pain as Gretchen, she isn’t showing it. Gretchen had been screaming at the top of her lungs for hours. Her labor pains are never ending. She has barely a minute of relief between contractions. I have been taking turns with Hemy and a couple of other people trying to get Gretchen to breathe and relax. Gretchen is so out of control that nothing we say or do is helping. Somebody shoot me if I ever become pregnant. I don’t remember Casey’s labor ever being this bad. Casey’s labor lasted for days but it was never constant, and she never screamed this loudly.

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