Book 2 Journal Entry 85

Book 2 Journal Entry 85

Journal 85

This morning was an utter waste of my time. It was frustrating and I was peeved by the time I made it back home. I walked out to the Spurs Fort to see Joshua. I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day after waking up from that awful nightmare. I have a sneaky feeling Joshua’s boys sent me on a wild goose chase. Joshua wasn’t at the main house so I asked a couple of his guards if they could point me in Joshua’s direction. One of the guards said Joshua was out with the herd trying to catch a wounded cow. I walked out to the herd. It was a good twenty-minute walk. I twisted my ankle and stepped in a cow patty. I also barely avoided an angry rattlesnake.

There were six people riding horses around the herd but no Joshua. I had just missed him. Trevor said Joshua rode back to the main house via one of the nearby farms. He went to pick up a bag of corn or something. I asked if I could get a ride back to the main house. I think chivalry is dead. There were no volunteers.

I wasn’t happy but I walked the twenty minutes back to the main house. When I arrived at the main house “the second time,” Cage said Joshua had run into town on an errand. No one seemed to know when he would be back.

Out of curiosity, I asked if anyone had told Joshua I had been by. Everyone looked at me with blank expressions on their faces. I took that as a no. Alternatively, they did tell him, and he didn’t care and was trying to avoid me. I am thinking it was the latter. I asked one of the guards to please tell Joshua I had been by I really wanted to talk to him.

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