Book 2 Journal Entry 83

Book 2 Journal Entry 83

Journal 83

Victor is still a pain in the butt. I don’t know why that boy insists on tormenting me. Victor spent all morning playing outside my door. There are other people he can be a pest to so why does he insist on making my life miserable? I think Victor is trying to push me over the edge.

I listened to Victor quote lines from Aloysius and marched back and forth outside my door for an hour. I politely asked him to stop and then closed my door. He just got louder and louder. I stormed out of my room and then I chased him all around the school before cornering him in the cafeteria. There was a knife right there within my reach, all I had to do was reach over and grab it.

Believe me when I say I had evil thoughts about tearing him to shreds with that knife. Lucky for Victor I am a not a crazy woman. Tony intercepted me beating up the little runt. I didn’t get the chance to lay a hand on Victor, but I wanted to. I left the cafeteria as Victor was telling Tony I had no sense of humor.

I spent the afternoon with Hemy searching for a place where Hemy heard had bolts of fabric for sale. I think we traveled a good ten miles. We never found the store. We did discover a building converted into a hall for the followers of Aloysius. I wanted to go in and check things out, but Hemy didn’t like the idea. Hey, they were giving out free food. Hemy said she would rather be hungry than to mingle with the crazy.

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