Book 2 Journal Entry 77

Book 2 Journal Entry 77

Journal 77

As I continued with my speech, the crowd parted to reveal a marble altar. Casey was standing next to the altar holding Aleece in her arms. Aleece was so big. I jumped down from the platform and grabbed Aleece from Casey. Aleece was beautiful. Her hair was long enough to put in little pretty bows. Casey had Aleece dressed in an enormously long white gown. Aleece had grown so much since I had seen her last. I hugged her with all my might. I had missed her so much. I twirled around the room and kissed Aleece all over.

Tony stopped me in mid twirl. He gently took Aleece from me and said it was time for the blessing. Tony laid Aleece on the altar. Pete said a few words over Aleece and sprinkled her with perfume. Then Casey stepped up to Aleece, pulled a dagger from her robe and prepared to strike. I yelled, “Stop.”

Tony whispered in my ear that the blessing must continue. I pushed Casey aside and grabbed Aleece off the altar. I was crying. “NO! You will not kill her.” Tony, in all his wisdom, said that if Aleece wasn’t worthy of the blessing I could choose another. Unexpectedly, everyone with toddlers and babies stepped forward and offered their children to me. I looked at the crowd. They were all crazy. The crowd started chanting in a low rumble “Choose…Choose…Choose…” I held Aleece as tightly as I could. I could not choose. I would not choose. I was thinking to myself that there had to be another way. Pete whispered in my ear that I could save the babies. I could save them all. All I had to do was offer myself to the crowd. The chanting changed into a constant low hum.

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