Book 2 Journal Entry 76

Book 2 Journal Entry 76

Journal 76

The girl handed me the robes. I don’t think she had a name. She smiled at me and thanked me for bringing the change. I was confused. I didn’t bring about anything. I was a prisoner. I tried to ask what she meant by that, but Tony interrupted. He kissed the girl on the forehead and gave her a gentle push out of my room. Tony insisted I change my clothes. It was time for the gathering.

People filled the front entrance of Bear Country. Everyone looked happy and content. There were smiling faces everywhere.

As Tony and I descended the stairs, everyone began to clap and call my name. The room filled with shouts of “Madie…Madie…Madie.” I had a sudden rush of adrenaline. I don’t know why but I suddenly felt important and a sense of knowing why I was there.

Tony and I walked through the crowd to the front of the room. Pete was standing on a platform behind a podium. Pete looked so very handsome in his white robes. Everyone in the room looked handsome. Tony and I stepped up onto the platform. Pete smiled and handed me my pink fluffy journal. Then Pete asked the crowd to be quiet.

The room was so quiet you could have heard a cricket chirp. Tony gave me a little push until I was standing behind the podium. He asked me to read the speech I had written. I opened my journal to the bookmarked page.

Welcome to Bear Country, we have gathered here in this place to celebrate a New Beginning. No more will we fight amongst each other. No more will the smallest of us suffer from hunger. No more will the outcast struggle to survive alone in a cold and evil world. Do not be afraid of what tomorrow will bring. Today we start anew.

We have all given a small part of ourselves to be here today. Our journey to this moment has been harsh and sometimes unbearable but I say to you. Your sacrifice has not been in vain. Each one of us must continue to give of ourselves if we are to continue this journey of enlightenment.

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