Book 2 Journal Entry 58

Book 2 Journal Entry 58

Journal 58

I went to the plaza with Victor and Hemy today. Victor abandoned us as soon as he spotted a couple of friends. He went to play ball. I think the boy is having a growth spurt. He doesn’t look so little anymore. He is as tall as I am.

Hemy and I were out wasting time. There was nothing to do in Bear Country. Matt was out spending time with his brother Jonas. Tony and Pete were trying to fix the water issue. There was no water flowing in the bathrooms this morning. The toilets won’t flush. Sheriff Pete put signs up in all the bathrooms threatening bodily harm if anyone does number two in the toilets. I hate not being able to shower. I hope Pete and Tony can get the water flowing because I don’t want to go back to having to dig a hole outside to go poop.

I think I figured out where Tony got his white pajama pants. The followers of Aloysius were having a rally in the park today. About a dozen people were wearing the same pants Tony was wearing the other day. Lisa and Tyson were both at the rally. I think they have joined the followers of Aloysius. Lisa was handing out little gift bags of mints to the crowd. Tyson was following Lisa around carrying a large basket of gift bags.

I was going to go and say Hi to Lisa, but Hemy was afraid Tyson would make a fuss. Hemy suggested we give Lisa a little space. Lisa hasn’t moved out of Bear Country which means she will probably come back home eventually. I’m not sure if hanging out with the followers of Aloysius is a good thing but Lisa was smiling.

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