Book 2 Journal Entry 57

Book 2 Journal Entry 57

Journal 57

I had another nightmare last night. I woke up about 2:30 am and climbed into bed with Tony. In my dream, I’m tied to a pole in the center of a large room. The room is pitch-black. I can’t see anything. I know people are there because I can hear them. Everyone is chanting. I can’t move. I’m cold. I wake up the moment I realize I am naked.

I sat in the seats of the theater with Sheriff Pete and Tony most of the afternoon. We drank coffee and ate a box of oatmeal cookies. We tried to piece together what happened after we left Hyatt’s arcade. I think it was just me trying to figure out what happened. Pete and Tony didn’t seem to care. They were more interested in the cookies. I have a nagging feeling that something bad happened.

Sheriff Pete said I worry too much. He thinks we just had too much to drink.

Tony isn’t upset about not remembering what happened to the three of us after we left Hyatt’s arcade. Tony isn’t even upset about being found in the park, passed out, drooling and smelling like vomit. Tony is upset about losing his favorite pair of jeans and being found in a pair of white pajama pants. I feel sorry for the person found wearing his pants.

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