Book 2 Journal Entry 56

Book 2 Journal Entry 56

Journal 56

As soon as we were able, Pete and I went looking for Tony. We split up into different directions. I looked everywhere. Inside Bear Country, outside Bear Country and all the way to Hyatt’s Arcade. I had almost given up hope of finding Tony. It was as if he fell off the edge of the Earth.

I was on my way home to Bear Country to get some help when I decided to cut through the park. I accidentally stumbled across Tony sleeping under a tree. He was half-naked wearing nothing but white pajama pants. I tried to shake him a wake. I slapped his face a couple of times. He just laid there snoring with drool running down the side of his face. I found a child’s bucket. Filled the bucket with water and poured it on top of Tony’s head. He woke up… and puked the moment his head came off the ground. Tony smelled like a winery mixed with vomit. Tony has no idea where he got the white pair of pajama pants.

It is a little scary not knowing where you have been. I hope I didn’t do anything I am going to regret later. The last thing I remember is playing pool at Hyatt’s Arcade. I remember asking for another drink and then waking up in my room after that horrible dream. Tony and Pete remember leaving the bar after ordering a drink to go. Neither of us remembers what happened after that moment.

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