Book 2 Journal Entry 55

Book 2 Journal Entry 55

Journal 55

I had an awful dream. I dreamt the followers were sacrificing me to Aloysius. In the dream I was naked, lying on an altar somewhere in the middle of the forest. The moon was full and high in the sky. A fog covered the ground. The followers of Aloysius surrounded me. They started pouring bottles of wine all over me to purify my soul. I had to go pee so bad. I kept asking if I could take a break to go to the bathroom, but no one would let me off the dang alter. I urinated all over their sacred altar. Unfortunately, that is when I woke up to a warm wet feeling. I am never going to get that smell out of my mattress.

I spent another evening at Hyatt’s Arcade with Pete and Tony. I think I need to stay away from the liquor. I am positive I drank one too many mixed drinks. I don’t even know what I was drinking. I really don’t like the stuff but after the first or second drink, it actually starts to taste decent.

I am not sure how I got back to Bear Country or when I came back. I must have returned with Pete because he is asleep on my rug, curled up like a puppy. I tried to wake Pete but every time I lean over my head starts to spin. Pete must have had more to drink than I did. Where is Tony?

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