Book 2 Journal Entry 54

Book 2 Journal Entry 54

Journal 54

I went to Hyatt’s arcade with Pete, Tony, and Jonas. We were having an enjoyable time until Tyson and Lisa appeared on the scene. I think I saw them first. Pete had his back to the door. He was bent over the pool table preparing for a shot. I stepped on Tony’s foot to get his attention. He let out an unexpected OUCH! Therefore, I elbowed him in the ribs and gestured for him to look toward Tyson and Lisa’s location. Pete thought we were teasing each other and asked us to keep the ruckus down so that he could make his shot. Tyson and Lisa didn’t acknowledge our presence. I don’t know if they saw us or not. Tyson was practically eating in Lisa’s face. They went into the back room where the pinball machines and dartboards were.

To try to avoid conflict I suggested we go somewhere else and party. I suggested a new bar that had opened a couple of streets over. I had heard it had a sound system and dance floor. Tony and Jonas were willing to go. Pete didn’t want to leave. He wanted to keep playing pool. We spent the next two hours trying to keep Pete from seeing Lisa or Tyson as they came out of the back room to buy more drinks.

There was one moment when I thought our efforts had failed. Pete went to the bathroom and a couple moments later Tyson walked into the bathroom. I was holding my breath expecting a fight. They didn’t see each other because a few moments later Pete walked out again.

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