Book 3 Journal Entry 5

Book 3 Journal Entry 5

Journal Entry 5

The work around the Fort is never ending. The moment I mark an item off my list of chores Joshua adds a couple more. I long for the days at Bear Country when all you had to do was lie around and do nothing. Joshua is a loving taskmaster. He has a way of asking you to do something that makes it impossible for you to say “No”. I think he continuously makes list of chores in his head for other people to accomplish. The man is like the energizer bunny he never runs out of steam. I was so incredibly tired by the time Joshua and I went to bed last night. I slept liked a rock. Thankfully, sweet calm peaceful dreams filled my night.

As usual, Joshua was up early. He kindly let me sleep in, something he rarely does. If Joshua is awake then everyone needs to be awake. He has an annoying habit of starting his chores before the sun makes an appearance.  

The clap of thunder interrupted my sweet slumber. I nearly jumped out of my skin it was so loud. For a brief moment, I thought the roof was coming down on me. I hesitantly climbed out of the warmth of my bed and looked out the window. It was raining buckets. I grabbed one of Joshua’s jackets off the wall hooks and stepped out onto the porch. My timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Joshua and Cage were driving up with the wagons. I had forgotten we were going to the mill to get lumber.

Joshua jumped out of the driver’s seat of the wagon and stepped up on the porch. He gave me a big kiss and asked if I had slept ok. It was so very sweet, a little damped but very sweet. Then he asked me to whip up some breakfast. Why do kisses always come with a chore attached?

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