Book 3 Journal Entry 4

Book 3 Journal Entry 4

Journal Entry 4

I learned a great deal during my shooting lesson. It was a tremendous amount of fun and a remarkable experience. Target practice did not go well. Guns are heavy, much heavier than I imagined. I have no strength in my arms or my hands. I couldn’t hold the barrel of the gun straight ahead. The nose of the gun kept pointing toward the ground no matter how hard I tried to point it straight ahead. Please place all future targets or enemies directly in front of my feet. This is where the bullet is most likely to land.

Firing the gun without Joshua’s help was useless and a bit dangerous. Joshua has the patience of a saint. I now understand how people accidentally shoot themselves in the foot. I never came close to the target I was trying to hit unless Joshua was helping. The kick of the gun nearly knocked me over. The only thing that kept me from falling was Joshua standing directly behind me.

I’m thinking becoming a hired gun would be a waste of my time. Especially since, I am unable to hit the closest of targets.

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