Book 1 Journal Entry 145

Book 1 Journal Entry 145

Journal 145

By noon, we had a reply from the Black Cobras. It wasn’t the reply we hoped to receive. Yates and I had sent a message demanding the Black Cobras stop making Bliss available to the community and that they leave the local area. If our demands were not met and agreed upon General Yates and his soldiers would attack the Black Cobras gang building. General Yates gave a deadline of one day for a reply. We were confident that the Cobras wouldn’t want to tangle with General Yates and his soldiers. We were ready and prepared for retaliation. Yates put his soldiers on high alert, and we spread the word that no one from Bear Country was to leave campus unless necessary. Sheriff Pete sent a couple of deputies out to the Spurs Fort. Pete instructed the deputies to take the long way around and to avoid Black Cobras at all costs. I wanted Joshua and his gang to know what was happening, so that he could take the necessary precautions. The Cobras might decide to attack friends of Bear Country.

The Black Cobras got our attention in an unexpected way. I was a little surprised by their creativity and wit. General Yates mumbled something about the Black Cobras having a formidable leader. This time the Cobras didn’t risk sending one of their own. They had learned from their previous mistake. One of Yates’s soldiers spotted her walking up the center of the street about three blocks away.

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