Book 2 Journal Entry 11

Book 2 Journal Entry 11

Journal 11

I am enjoying my stay. I think I could stay here forever. The Sequoia’s have a simple life, but it is a good life. Everyone shares everything. Everyone has chores. No one fights. The small children run around, play and act as if they don’t have a care in the world.

Palesa is an inspiration. She has so much energy and a good heart. I watched her mend hurt feelings when one of the smaller children couldn’t keep up in a game of keep away. All the children go to school. Palesa said that everyone learns to read. Story time is one of the highlights of the day for the younger children.

Tony is enjoying his hunting trips with the men and has been helping Xu with the mending of shelters. I think he is enjoying his time here also. I love the evenings out here. The stars are so bright.

Last night we saw a meteor shower that lasted more than an hour. One of the smallest children brought the meteors to our attention. It was so cool.

The children all giggled in delight every time they saw a bright light fly across the sky. Tony and I also enjoyed the show. When sent the smaller children to bed after we were certain the show was completed. The evening hours are so peaceful.

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