Book 1 Journal Entry 140

Book 1 Journal Entry 140

Journal 140

When I was younger, I admired Hess and her undying dedication to a cause. I think I liked her because she always seemed to have a level head, and she preached peace. During the mail war, one of the slogans preached daily was “Gangs helping Gangs to survive”. When the mail war ended, Hess was inspirational in getting the gangs to work together. Hess dropped out of sight soon after that. I was glad to hear she had returned when the difficulties with the Black Cobras began. I was certain she could help solve the problem.

Yates and I were sitting in the back of one of the trucks working out the final details of our plan against the Black Cobras when one the members from the Spurs gang came running up the sidewalk. He was frantic and called my name repeatedly. Yates and I jumped out of the truck just about the time a couple of soldiers tackled him to the ground.

I’m not sure when Hess lost her mind, but it was obvious she was not working with a full deck by the time we made it to the field.  Hess looked as if she hadn’t slept in days. Her hair and clothes were a mess. She was acting like a crazy woman. Hess had three Black Cobras hooded and tied to the post. The area smelled like gasoline. The field filled with people from several of the local gangs. Joshua was already there. He was doing his best to keep Hess from lighting the fire. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that Victor (Runt) was one of the Black Cobras tied to the post.

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