Book 1 Journal Enry 121

Book 1 Journal Enry 121

Journal 121

I waited forever. I had almost convinced myself that I wasn’t going to get the information on where and when Hess was going to hold the meeting. I had to make excuses about a dozen times over the last couple of days on why I couldn’t leave Bear Country. About 3 am yesterday morning, I hear a knock on my door. A runner hands me a note with a destination and the word NOW! He is gone before I could say thank you or get more information.

I arrive at the destination printed on the note. Shortly after arriving guards blindfolded and took me somewhere else. It was an apartment, not on the first floor. I think we went up four flights of stairs. I lost count. It’s hard to climb stairs blindfolded. The apartment was black. Candles lit the room. I counted twenty people. Some of which I have never seen. There were several gang leaders from unexplored parts of town. When we arrived, our host told us not to talk to each other. I exchanged head nods with people I recognized. We mostly stared at each other. Hess walked into the room and said that what she had to say wasn’t up for debate. We could follow her battle plan or leave now and fight the Black Cobras on our own. I received a piece of paper with instruction. The instructions mapped out Bear Countries duties. Hess insisted we not share information with each other. After the meeting, I was blindfolded and returned to my original destinations.

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