Book 1 Journal Entry 97

Book 1 Journal Entry 97

Journal 97

The violence against the mail carriers intensified. The fights between the different gangs became more destructive and violent. Day in and Day out the streets were filled with people protesting and chanting. It didn’t take much for the protest and chants to turn into violent encounters among the different gangs. Walking on the streets was increasingly risky.

It saddens me to think about how the people living inside Bear Country caught up in the violence. I was caught up in the violence. Matt, Jonas, Pete, and I held rallies and protest against Gang USA. We fought against other gangs who spoke badly against Gang UPS. Are lives became consumed with proving that Gang UPS was in the right and that Gang USA was responsible for all our troubles.

One gang was totally against the war. Hess was the leader of the Blue Monarchs. Hess and the Blue Monarchs were in the streets daily trying to get people to put down their weapons and talk things out. Not a lot of people seemed interested in what she had to say.

Hess and the Blue Monarchs dropped by Bear Country on one evening. Hess attempted to get the gang leaders to meet and discuss the mail war issues. I agreed to attend the meeting. Unfortunately, the gathering of the local gang leaders would happen too late to avoid a major catastrophe.

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