Book 1 Journal Entry 96

Book 1 Journal Entry 96

Journal 96

The wearing of colors to support the mail carriers was suddenly the thing to do. I have to admit that people in Bear Country took up this ritual.  The UPS Gang delivered our mail. I knew most of the carriers and they were good people. As far as I was concerned, the propaganda about the UPS carriers was false. They weren’t capable of the atrocities other gangs accused them of performing.

Billboards and signs began to appear all over town. “Support UPS” “Support USA” “UPS carriers steal your mail.” USA wants to control your life” the billboards were everywhere and most of them were spreading hate messages. Local businesses began to choose sides. If you wore the wrong color, local businesses denied you entrance into their establishments. This began to make getting food and the necessities of life difficult.

Friends began to argue with each other. Fights were breaking out all over town. Protest rallies began to popup all over town. Protesters from both gangs purposely schedule their rallies to be next to each other. It was a race to see who could get the most people to attend and yell the loudest. I attended some of these rallies. I barely escaped serious injury on more than one occasion.

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