Book 1 Journal Entry 89

Book 1 Journal Entry 89

Journal 89

Our shopping spree at the plaza was interesting if not somewhat disturbing. Our shopping adventure started out normally. We went from one Kiosk to another looking for baby shoes. Didn’t find shoes but we did find a couple of other interesting finds. One of the kiosks had a set of Nancy Drew Mysteries. I always wanted to read those but the proprietor of the kiosks wasn’t about to sell one book at time. That’s just stupid because I can’t think of one person inside Bear Country that can afford to purchase more than one book at a time. I do have another option. The Library Trio may have those books already in the media center.

So we continue on our journey of looking for baby shoes.  I think I spot a pair of shoes and zigzag thru the crowd toward the kiosk. A biker barely misses running over Aleece and me. He was in a rush and didn’t even stop and apologize.  He was wearing a helmet so tracking him down and smacking him upside his head later isn’t an option of retaliation. The shoes I spot are entirely too big for Aleece’s feet.

Tony, Runt, Aleece and I continue shopping. Tony spots a snow cone kiosk. I haven’t had a snow cone since before the virus. It used to be such a treat. We purchase three snow cones one for me, one for Tony and one for Runt. I think we paid too much for them but we were out to have a good time.  I’m eating my snow cone and sharing a couple pieces of ice with Aleece when the biggest, ugliest, yellow and black bumblebee lands on my snow cone.  Not expecting a bug of that magnitude, I drop my snow cone. If Aleece hadn’t been in the carrier attached to my chest, I would have dropped her too.  I said a couple of words that I won’t repeat. (Hopefully, Aleece won’t remember those words.) Tony generously shares his remaining snow cone with me.

Our journey to find baby shoes continued. Sometimes there is that one moment in time when you suddenly realize that maybe you should have stayed home for the day. Runt is running all over everywhere and Tony and I are trying to keep up and still keep our eyes open for baby shoes.  Runt locates kiosks selling electric cars and they have batteries that actually work. He is jumping up and down begging Tony for the car. Tony is trying to explain that he can’t afford it. I step out of the way and lean against the building. Aleece is getting bigger by the day and I have a slight backache. Tony is trying to handle tactfully his problem with Runt. Out of nowhere, from above, someone tosses a TV out of a window and it falls within a couple of feet from where Aleece and I are leaning.  Pieces of TV fly in every direction. Suddenly silence as everyone stops to stare. We weren’t hurt but I got a major adrenaline rush. I look at Tony. He looks at me. My feet are stuck. I can’t move. Suddenly I feel lightheaded and slump to the ground. I decided to find shoes another day because obviously someone didn’t want me to be at the plaza.

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