Book 1 Journal Entry 84

Book 1 Journal Entry 84

Journal 84

Yates took me to the jail to see Hemy. She was sitting on a bench, in a jail cell, dressed in a gray jumpsuit. I must have been an unexpected visitor because the moment I said “HI,” she jumped up off the bench. I apologized for getting her in this mess. If I hadn’t invited her and Matt along on my getaway to the lodge she would still be safe at Central.  Hemy said it wasn’t my fault. It was the creep of a new husbands fault. He should have taken her “No” seriously. We talked for a long time. I promised to help her get out of jail. I passed on the information that Yates gave me. He said that there would be a trial and that I could testify on her behalf. Hemy didn’t seem to be thrilled about going to trial. I tried to calm her nerves by telling her not to worry. I wish I wasn’t worried.

Other news, Yates sister is in the cell next to Hemy. She is in jail because she was caught having an affair with a soldier. Her husband is General Scott, the leader of Fort Shasta and the best friend of Yates. Yates and General Scott have been friends since they were both in diapers. Yates said that the affair his sister had with the other soldier has hurt his friendship with General Scott. The two men are barely speaking to each other. Yates also said that the General is not in his right mind. He had the other soldier killed and would have had his sister killed too if he hadn’t intervened.  The General scheduled the trial for tomorrow. The General plans to play judge. I don’t see how a fare trial could come from this.

I write a great deal of my life in my journals. I suppose if you wanted to know what kind of person I was, you would or could read my journal entries. I have never hidden my journal or locked it away from the eyes of others. It never occurred to me to do that. I was a little surprised when I woke up this morning to fine Yates reading the entries. I don’t think he knew I was standing there. I almost jumped out and scared him but decided not to. I quietly went back to bed so that he could finish reading my story. He knows a lot more about me now. I’m thinking this is probably a good thing.  Yates, I hope you enjoyed my story. I am open for questions.

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