Book 1 Journal Entry 65

Book 1 Journal Entry 65

Journal 65

Sheriff Pete said that if he has to break up another dispute between rival gangs, he and his deputies are going to start throwing people out into the storm. Marty, Gretchen, and Cecelia set out games in the pavilion to help keep people occupied and their minds off the storm. I believe they have tournaments going in Checkers, Spades, Boggle and Yahtze. So far, everyone is playing nicely. The Library Trio thought of putting up the dartboard but reconsidered. People throw darts at others when angry. We made that mistake during the last storm.

Lisa and a few other musicians have put together a sing along near the cafeteria. I just heard a lovely rendition of “Koom by Yah” (I have no idea how to spell that). For a few moments, I could picture about thirty flower children swaying back and forth.

All the muscle boys are in the gym. Sheriff Pete had to put a couple of deputies down there to keep things under control. These people are always having arguments. It’s somewhat funny but if an argument does break out, Pete’s deputies aren’t going to be able to help much. I have seen all of Pete’s deputies and none of them has much muscle. We threatened to throw people out into the storm that don’t keep their tempers in check.

The storm continues to rage outside. It doesn’t look like it is letting up any. Emily has been watching Aleece for me so that I can keep an eye on things inside Bear Country. I think she likes playing mom and Aleece seems to like her. I told Emily that Aleece wasn’t mine and that I was taking care of her while her mom Casey was gone.  She didn’t seem to mind that I lied before.

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