Book 1 Journal Entry 59

Book 1 Journal Entry 59

Journal 59

I went to check on the progress that Sheriff Pete, Jonas, and Joshua were making at the jail. I wanted to see if hunger had given the raider a reason to talk. I was shocked at what I saw at the jail. The jail was a disaster, with broken furniture, and broken windows. A couple of Pete’s deputies were recovering on the floor. The raider was gone. The jail reminded me of a western movie I had seen once when I was young. Sheriff Pete was angry his deputies were injured, and he was pissed that the raider had escaped. Joshua was spitting fire. He was past angry. I walked in the jail as he threw a broken chair against a wall breaking it into even smaller pieces. Jonas was outside trying to see if anyone that was passing by might have seen what happened.

Father and a couple of his members picked a bad time to walk by the jail.  Joshua flew out of the jail the moment Father came into view. This was the second time I had seen Joshua put a gun into Father’s face. Joshua demanded the raiders return. Father denied his people had anything to do with the raiders. Things were a little crazy for a few minutes. I think I was holding my breath the entire time. Sheriff Pete made Joshua put his gun away. Joshua made a threat to Father. He said that if any Heroes of the Earth members came anywhere near the Spurs campsite or the cattle grazing there, Father was a dead man. No questions asked.

Pete sent Father and his followers on their way. Joshua went in the other direction toward his own gang. I tried to follow him, but he wasn’t interested in hearing anything I had to say.  Technically, there isn’t any proof that the raiders and the Heroes of the Earth have been working together.  I have my doubts.

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