Book 1 Journal Entry 49

Book 1 Journal Entry 49

Journal 49

The Runt brought me a flyer this morning. It was an announcement to join a new community. They call themselves The Heroes of the Earth. The flyer was asking people to be a part of the NEW PACE (New Established World Order that Prevents Animal Capture and Exploitation). This sounds suspicious to me. Curiosity was killing me, so I took my new brightly colored flyer and walked out to the Spurs to see Joshua. By the time I had arrived, he had a flyer of his own. Joshua was certain this new community was behind all of his recent troubles. Not wanting to point fingers right away, I suggested that we go to town and check out the Heroes of the Earth. I thought it might be a good idea if we talked to their leader. This whole thing could be a coincidence.

Joshua and I went to town. It wasn’t long before we ran into several members of the Heroes of the Earth. They were handing out more flyers and giving their speeches about saving all animals. Humans are destroying the delicate balance of nature. Apparently if we don’t stop eating animal flesh (their words, not mine) and exploiting animals for our own selfish reasons the Earth will continue to destroy all humans.

I consider myself an open-minded woman. People should be able to live their lives in pretty much anyway they choose. I think they are a cult. I don’t have anything against anyone that is a vegetarian. Some people can’t stomach the thought of eating meat. I think that is normal. I’m not getting a normal feeling from these people. Joshua and I asked one of the members if we could talk to their leader. They greeted us very friendly and said that Father and Mother will be holding a meeting later in the evening we were welcome to attend. This should bring up another red flag. Any community that addresses their leaders as Mother and Father is weird.

Joshua and I have a date. It should be fun.

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