Book 1 Journal Entry 31

Book 1 Journal Entry 31

Journal 31

Today we gathered to celebrate life. We welcomed a new member to our gang. It is a tradition in Bear Country to hold a naming ceremony when a new member finds their way here because of a birth or because of a desire to join this community. Casey, a member in good standing in Bear Country presented her daughter to our gang. Casey named her baby girl Aleece in honor of her own mother. I hope the baby’s life is long and happy.

We had a little drama during the ceremony. I was giving Aleece my blessing when I heard Casey suddenly blurting out the name Xavier. My back was to the door, I swung around to see why people were making a fuss. I don’t know how he safely arrived in Bear Country without notice. He was dressed differently but he was standing right there. Sheriff Pete and his deputies surrounded him quickly with weapons drawn. He didn’t put up a fight. In fact, he just raised his hands in the air.

Casey apologized to everyone present. She said she had to invite him. The Hulk (Xavier) asked to step closer to his daughter. He kissed her on the forehead.

The Hulk looked at me and said he was alone. I scolded Casey and then demanded the Hulk leave. He wasn’t welcome in Bear country. Xavier (the Hulk) kissed his daughter one more time than Pete and his deputies escorted him out.

The ceremony continued with the rest of the blessings. Lisa sang, the Library Trio read poetry, and we partied. Life in Bear Country was happy again.

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