Book 2, Journal Entry 1

Book 2, Journal Entry 1

Journal 1

I was resting when our convoy came to a sudden stop. Yates told me to stay put as he jumped out of the truck. He ordered a couple of his soldiers to run to the front of the convoy and find out what was happening. I have never been good at waiting. I hate it when others tell me what to do. I prefer to give the orders.

I stayed put for three seconds and then I jumped out of the truck. Yates gave me the “I told you to stay put look.” and in return I gave him the “I’m just stretching my legs look.” It only took the soldiers a couple of moments to figure out what the problems were at the front of the convoy. Someone had dug a ditch across the entire width of the road. There was no way to get across and we couldn’t drive around it because both sides of the road sloped down a hillside.

 Yates started giving orders. His soldiers were going to have to build a bridge to get us across. This was going to take a little while, so I started to get back in the truck. I vaguely remember the dart hitting me and seeing a couple of soldiers fall. I think I remember hearing gunfire and someone yelling to take cover. I don’t know where everyone went. I think fate hates me.

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