Book 1 Journal Entry 10

Book 1 Journal Entry 10

Journal 10

It rained all night long. I love the rain. I seem to sleep well when it rains. It is going to be a busy day. I promised Casey I would watch the baby for a little while so that she can take care of herself. She is the cutest baby. I hope Casey gets to enjoy her for a long time. I am not so sure I would want to take on the responsibility of having a baby. There are so many things to worry about. Babies don’t seem to do as well as they used to. Medicines don’t exist. There are limited things you can do when they get ill. No one talks about the things that can go wrong. I wonder if Casey worries about the baby getting ill. I would worry.

I saw Tony up walking around a little while ago. He was walking toward the showers. It’s a good thing because he was starting to smell bad. If he had been severely ill for much longer, it was going to be a challenge to get people to sit with him.

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