Book 2 Journal Entry 49

Book 2 Journal Entry 49

Journal 49

I couldn’t sleep so I woke up early to start my day. I ran into Lisa as I was going to the showers. I don’t think she was expecting anyone else to be up that early, especially not me.

Lisa was not happy to see me. When I arrived in the bathroom, Lisa was standing in front of the mirror examining a large bruise on her left arm. Without asking, I knew it was Tyson. Lisa tried quickly to put on her shirt so I couldn’t see the bruises. I confronted Lisa about Tyson and his violent behavior. She told me to mind my own business. I tried to make her listen to reason. In her anger, she pushed me against one of the sinks. My tailbone hit the waterspout on the sink. I banged my head on the mirror and broke it. I also put a nice little cut on the back of my head. I didn’t realize the cut was there until I jumped into the shower and started washing my hair.

After my shower, I went down to the food stores to see if I could find something for breakfast. Tony was already up cooking eggs. They smelled so good. It’s not easy to find eggs in the marketplace.

Not a lot of people have chickens. Getting eggs usually requires knowing someone that has chickens and usually you must be good friends with this person. Tony was a little surprised to see me. I hobbled into the kitchen on my sore foot and bandages around my head. Tony said it looked like I had just returned from war.

Tony rescued me and helped me sit down at a table. Sitting was a challenge I think I bruised my tailbone on the sink faucet.

I started to tell Tony what happened in the bathroom when Sheriff Pete walked in on our conversation. He heard me mention Lisa and the bruises on her arm. He ran out as quickly as he entered.

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