Book 2 Journal Entry 41

Book 2 Journal Entry 41

Journal 41

The flat screen on the wall said, “In Coming Communiqué.” Capt Patel had a couple of his security guards shuffle me off to another room. I played with the starship models displayed around the room for about 20 minutes. I lost track of time. Some of the ships had actual working lights. I don’t think Capt Patel appreciated me touching his starships. I was flying the Enterprise around the room when he walked in. He asked me to put his ship back where I found it. I went to put the ship back on its stand and tripped on a snag in the rug. I didn’t drop the ship, but you should have seen the expression on the captain’s face. I think I caused his heart to skip a couple of beats. If he didn’t want me playing with the starships he should have put me in a different room.

I had to stand there for about five minutes and listen to Capt Patel scold me for touching his ships. The ships he had been collecting and building for years, the ships that meant more to him than life. He went on and on with his tirade. I kept trying to interrupt. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I yelled “Do you have canned apple pie filling or not!”

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