Book 2 Journal Entry 39

Book 2 Journal Entry 39

Journal 39

When my alien friend referred to friends, I was really expecting hamsters, a bird, a snake, and a dog. I had an image in my mind. All of his little friends would be dressed up like space aliens or altered in some way. My alien friend would be doing his best to take care of his little house of friends. The house would be a horrible mess. Over in the corner neatly stacked would be a couple cases of my canned apples. I was wrong. I followed my alien friend up the front stairs of the blue house.

The front door was like any other front door. The inner door on the other hand required numbers on a keypad and submit to a retinal scan. There was suddenly a feeling of uneasiness. The white door slid open to the left with a swooshing sound. My alien friend stepped forward. I just stood there staring into the room.

Working computers and two large flat-screen televisions filled the room. Everyone in the room was wearing space uniforms. I must have been a surprise because everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me.

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