Book 2 Journal Entry 38

Book 2 Journal Entry 38

Journal 38

In all honesty, I have never seen a pig that large. My first thought was that the pig must have been eating well. My second thought was some genetic experiment exceeded its goal of making an improved pig. I was staring at the pig amazed at its enormity when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. The tap was unexpected, and I nearly jumped out of my shoes. I turn around to see a space alien looking down at me. It wasn’t a real alien but someone trying his best to be an outer space alien He had a weird haircut and even went as far as having his ears altered. He was a big boy with a voice as deep down into the cellar as anyone could get.

“Have you come to join my alliance of space people?” he asked. I almost felt as if I should be saying yes but I said “No.” Before I could tell this person why I was there, he asked if I liked his pig. I replied he was a nice pig. That’s when I noticed the pigs face had a few extra ridges on the top of his head. The poor pig.

My new alien friend asked me if I wanted to meet his friends. I did a little more staring at the pig. I didn’t mean to stare but I couldn’t help myself. You’re probably wondering why I didn’t just run away. I was hoping my large alien friend had canned apples stashed away somewhere. In response to the alien asking me if I wanted to meet his friends, I said yes.

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