Book 2 Journal Entry 36

Book 2 Journal Entry 36

Journal 36

Bear Country is so quiet. I think nearly everyone is still asleep. A few people are recovering from nasty hangovers. I have a slight headache but nothing else. I heard a couple of people attempt to make it to the bathroom during the night. I hope they made it to the toilet.

Central High School is on the verge of collapse. I am amazed that it is still standing. Half of the second floor collapsed onto the first. Pete, Matt, Jonas, and Victor put up signs cautioning people to stay out of the building.

The Central Bobcats held a ceremony yesterday afternoon on the front lawn of Central High School. The ceremony was a way of getting closer and disbanding the Central Bobcat gang. It was so sad. Poor Hemy, Central was her home. The Bobcats were her gang. Hemy spent the last couple of days saying goodbye to people. Most of the members of her gang left to seek out a new life somewhere else. Hemy hated having to say goodbye to her friends. I think it broke her heart. The remaining members of the Central Bobcats have become members of Bear Country.

After the ceremony, everyone went to Hyatt’s Arcade. We danced, played pool, and drank some of Hyatt’s finest. I think a few people drank a little too much. The only people that behaved themselves were the library trio, Marty, Gretchen, and Cecelia.

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