Book 2 Journal Entry 35

Book 2 Journal Entry 35

Journal 35

Lisa was ranting like a mad woman a little while ago. She was having a heated discussion with Pete about who took her cans of apple pie filling and condensed milk. I came onto the conversation just as Lisa was accusing Pete, Jonas, or Tony of taking the cans.

I have more sense than to take someone’s cake ingredients. Lisa said something like “Well, I know it’s not, Madie. She has more sense than to take someone’s cake ingredients.” I guess taking those can goods from the food stores to get that new shirt was a mistake. Lisa was going to make her boyfriend a cake for his birthday in a couple of days. I haven’t told Lisa I borrowed the cans. I can replace them and not have to tell her I took them.

I asked Tony after breakfast if he wanted to go to Hyatt’s Arcade, play pool and have a little fun. He said he was busy. Of course, he’s busy. He only has time for me on his own terms. He had better not show up at my room later wanting to talk. I’m off to the arcade. At least people play with me there.

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