Book 1 Journal Entry 9

Book 1 Journal Entry 9

Journal 9

I forgot to take my journal with me yesterday. I went for a walk, a long walk. Went to my old home and someone was living there. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It has a very homey feel. I wanted to run up to the people living there and say, “get out this is my home.” I didn’t, I just stood there. I stood there for a long time until my stomach said it was time to eat. I said goodbye to my home and went looking for food.

Update, Tony is getting better. He is still sore and bruised but he isn’t dead. This is a good thing because without him Bear country just wouldn’t be the same. As for Runt, he is still missing. I am beginning to think we will never see him again. It has been days, and he is so little.

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