Book 3 Chapter 5: Close Call

Book 3 Chapter 5: Close Call

Chapter 5: Close Call

The rain had soaked through everything by the time Cray and Finn headed out again, this time to check on one of the market stalls that had agreed to trade some food for spare tools. They weren’t the only ones braving the storm; nearby, a small group from Spurs Fort was preparing to collect baby chicks from a local farm.

Finn spotted them from a distance, huddled together under the meager shelter of a tarp. One of them—a girl about his age—was struggling to keep the rain from soaking through her jacket. Cray noticed them too.

“Joshua’s people,” Cray murmured, gesturing toward the group. “Looks like they’re making a supply run.”

Finn squinted, recognizing one of the girls—Madie, the one who had been with Hemy and Cecelia during the run-in with the Hyenas. He had wondered about her after the encounter, but he hadn’t had the chance to say anything back then.

“They look miserable,” Finn said. “We should help them out.”

Cray hesitated, but eventually gave a nod. “Alright. But keep it subtle. We don’t need the attention.”

As Finn and Cray approached, Madie and her friend Kate were struggling to balance the boxes of baby chicks in the rain. The ground had turned to thick mud, and it was hard to walk without slipping.

“Need a hand?” Finn called out, stepping through the rain with Cray at his side.

Madie looked up, startled but grateful. “Yeah, actually. These little guys are getting soaked.”

Finn quickly grabbed one of the boxes while Cray steadied the other, helping them navigate through the slippery path. “You guys pick the worst day to move chicks,” Finn joked, his hair dripping from the rain.

Madie offered a tired smile. “Tell me about it. This rain just won’t let up.”

Cray stayed quiet, keeping his eyes on the path. He knew how important it was for the Spurs Fort crew to stay off the radar of the gangs. Helping out was fine, but getting too close could draw unwanted attention from the wrong people.

After a short walk, they arrived at the new chicken coop that had been built near the edge of the Fort’s property. Madie and Kate thanked Finn and Cray, clearly grateful for the assistance. As they set the chicks down, Madie wiped rain from her face, looking back at Finn.

“Thanks again,” she said, her voice soft but genuine. “You didn’t have to help, but we appreciate it.”

Finn shrugged. “No problem. Just keep an eye out—these roads aren’t safe anymore, especially with the Hyenas still prowling.”

Cray shot Finn a warning glance. “We should head back,” he said quietly, steering the conversation away from anything that might raise suspicion.

“Right,” Finn agreed. “Take care.”

As Cray and Finn made their way back to camp, Cray spoke up. “You’re getting too close. Spurs Fort is fine on its own. Our goal is to stay hidden, remember?”

Finn nodded but couldn’t shake the feeling that their paths were going to cross again—whether they wanted them to or not.

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