Book 3 Chapter 4: Training Day

Book 3 Chapter 4: Training Day

Chapter 4: Training Day

Cray’s crew was on edge, the rain beating down hard on the rusted rooftops of their makeshift camp. Finn was trying to keep the fire alive while Leah sat cleaning her knife, both of them lost in thought. The rain had been relentless, turning their hideaway into a swamp of mud and misery. Everyone was tired, but no one dared complain. Cray was somewhere outside, scouting for more supplies, and the silence hung thick in the air.

“What’s the point of this rain?” Leah muttered. “It just makes everything harder.”

Finn chuckled dryly. “Rain or shine, we’re still in the same mess.”

Suddenly, Cray appeared, water dripping from his hair. He stepped into the shelter, kicking mud off his boots. “Ran into some folks from Spurs Fort,” he said, shaking off the rain. “They’ve been expanding—building new bunkhouses and even a chicken coop.”

Leah raised an eyebrow. “Chicken coop? In this weather? They must be out of their minds.”

“They’ve got a lot of energy,” Cray replied, taking a seat. “And their leader—Joshua—he’s got the place running like clockwork. They’ve got chicks coming in, and they’re even starting shooting lessons.”

Finn’s ears perked up. “Shooting lessons? They’re arming themselves?”

Cray nodded, but there was no sign of alarm on his face. “Joshua’s smart. He’s not preparing for war, just protection. The gangs have been watching Spurs Fort, and it won’t be long before someone makes a move.”

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