Book 3 Chapter 2: A Narrow Escape

Book 3 Chapter 2: A Narrow Escape

Chapter 2: A Narrow Escape

The plaza buzzed with its usual chaos: market stalls cluttered with scavenged goods, makeshift carts loaded with items for trade, and the ever-present tension of the gangs. But that afternoon, Cray’s younger brother Finn had noticed something—something that had made him uneasy.

A small group of girls—three of them—was making their way to the plaza. One of them, the tall one with the wild curly hair, had a determined look on her face. They were picking up supplies, walking right into territory frequented by the Hyenas. It didn’t take long before Finn saw it: the unmistakable black Mohawks and red shirts of the gang.

“Cray, we gotta do something,” Finn hissed, tugging at his older brother’s sleeve. “The Hyenas are stalking those girls.”

Cray cursed under his breath, already moving to his feet. Leah grabbed her knife from her belt, eyes sharp with the realization that things could turn ugly. They weren’t strong enough to take on the Hyenas in a full-on fight, but if they didn’t act fast, those girls wouldn’t make it out of the plaza.

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