Book 2 Journal Entry 161

Book 2 Journal Entry 161

Journal 161

I walked around and around in the plaza today. I wasted a couple of hours. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular to barter for. I was trying to decide if I should go to Bear Country to talk to Tony. I started walking towards Bear Country a couple of times before turning around and going back to the plaza for more browsing.

The plaza is bursting with life. It’s about time. I think that this year the number of people opening Kiosks and selling goods is going to be more than in the past. I found the perfect pair of shoes. Unfortunately, the kiosk owner refused to set them aside so that I could run home to the Spurs Fort and dig up payment. Another girl bought them just as I was walking away. Dang it!

The weather is finally warming. I was getting tired of the chilly weather. It has been nice for the past week or so. The sun brings people outside. When it’s cold most people stay indoors. The world in and around Bear Country doesn’t look so desolate when people are around and about. Our town is in shambles with broken buildings and trash everywhere. It’s unlivable in few places. When I was small, and my parents were still alive, this town was so beautiful. Now it looks like a garbage heap.

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