Book 2 Journal Entry 156

Book 2 Journal Entry 156

Journal 156

I was up before the sun this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well. I can’t get Tony off my mind. I feel bad. He hates me.

On a lighter note, the funniest thing happened this morning. At least it was funny to me. I was sitting in my rocking chair on the front porch daydreaming and drinking a cup of bad coffee. Joshua steps out on the porch wearing nothing but his jeans and an unbuttoned shirt. He wore no hat, no boots, and no gun. His short curly hair is disarray. I had a sudden feeling of déjà vu. This had happened before. Only this time Joshua didn’t run back inside to make himself presentable. This time he hugs me, kisses me, takes a sip of my coffee, and invites me back inside.

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