Book 2 Journal Entry 152

Book 2 Journal Entry 152

Journal 152

It has been more than a week since the disappearance of Lisa, Tony, and Victor. It is conceivable that they all died somewhere during the fighting, or they all decided to walk away and start a new life somewhere else. I think I prefer to think that Lisa, Tony and Victor decided to start up a new life somewhere else. I don’t want to think about any of them dead, not Tony.

I have been spending my days at Bear Country and my nights at the Spurs Fort. Joshua would prefer I spend all my time out at the Spurs Fort, but I am having difficulty leaving the home that I founded.

Sheriff Pete is a fine leader. He is attempting to restore Bear Country back to her former glory. He has invited several new people to join Bear Country. At least a dozen strangers walk the halls.

I had almost forgotten that we hadn’t buried Gretchen and the baby. Their bodies still lie in wait in the green house. I helped dig a hole out behind the football field today so that we could have Gretchen and the baby’s funeral tomorrow. Marty and Cecelia spent most of the day in the greenhouse. I couldn’t go in. It was too depressing and creepy.

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