Book 2 Journal Entry 151

Book 2 Journal Entry 151

Journal 151

The night under the stars was a nice one, although I did wake up twice; Once because Joshua was snoring in my ear and once because I had a feeling I was being watched or hovered over or something. I sat up expecting to see Tony standing before me. It was a very eerie feeling.

I spent the day with Matt, Hemy and Jonas looking around town for anyone who might know the whereabouts of Lisa, Victor, or Tony. I would like to know if they are alive or dead. I especially want to know what happened to Tony. It bugs me that I don’t know what happened to him. I need to know. I want to know. Most of the people the four of us ran into were polite but a few people didn’t want to be bothered. They had their own problems to deal with. We didn’t get any answers. Our friends have dropped off the face of the earth. Our last stop of the day was Hyatt’s Arcade. I think we had been his only customers for the day. The place had a ghost town feel. I half expected to see a tumbleweed roll across the floor. Hyatt gave the four of us a drink without expecting payment. We all talked for a little while and then said goodbye. Hyatt asked us to come back again. I like Hyatt.

When everything goes wrong, you know his establishment is going to be there.

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