Book 2 Journal Entry 116

Book 2 Journal Entry 116

Journal 116

I slept well last night. I can’t remember the last time I slept without some sort of difficulty. If there was any noise through the night, I didn’t hear any. I don’t even think I dreamt about anything. Tony and I snuggled the entire night. I had been sleeping alone with half a dozen blankets wrapped around me but still the cold was there. I was nice to feel warm for a change.

Lisa and Tyson brought a couple of friends home to Bear Country today. Sheriff Pete was not happy. Pete doesn’t like Tyson and with good reason. Tyson had not been good to Lisa in the past. Pete cares for Lisa greatly although I don’t think he has actually told Lisa this. I really don’t know, maybe he has told Lisa how he feels. I really haven’t heard any rumors on the subject.

I could see the anger stirring in Pete’s eyes as Tyson and the Followers of Aloysius entered Bear Country. Pete was getting ready to have Tyson and his friends forcibly thrown out of Bear Country when they uncovered a box of food. The whole room gasped, including me. They revealed an entire case of Spaghetti with meatballs. It was the most glorious site. Bear country has food to sustain us through several more weeks but most of what we have is boring and lacks taste.

There was silence as everyone in the room stared at Pete. I was secretly hoping Pete would set aside his disdain for Tyson just long enough for me to get a can of the Spaghetti. To make a long story short, Pete allowed the followers of Aloysius and Tyson to stay. We ate well. My stomach is full.

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