Book 2 Journal Entry 115

Book 2 Journal Entry 115

Journal 115

Everyone is lying around listening to the radio. I like this Daedalus person. He can be funny, and he plays decent music, most of the time. Daedalus has begun to sell airtime. If you want a certain artist or group to play, go to the station, provide the CD and barter for airtime.

I’m in charge of preparing the main meal today. We are having beans. I hate beans. The only other thing I have eaten today is two spoonfuls of peanut butter. Sheriff Pete sent Matt and Hemy out looking for food. Of all the chores we are required to share I am thankful that today I don’t have to do that one. I know I’ve said it before but it’s so frickin cold outside.

The snow continues to fall. You can’t tell where the street and the front lawn begins or ends. The temperature inside Bear Country isn’t much better even though we keep the fire barrels burning at all times. We are a sad looking bunch. A clean bunch but a sad looking bunch.

The stench inside of Bear Country was getting awful. Not able to stand the smell any longer, Hemy suggested we all take baths. The question was raised about how we were supposed to do that when we had no running water and the air inside Bear Country was near freezing. I don’t know why I didn’t think about the solution myself. Hemy suggested we gather snow, lots of snow, melt it, and then heat it over the fire barrels. We could bathe in the heated water.

Victor and a couple of other people weren’t thrilled about having to remove their clothes to bathe but Tony said that anyone who didn’t freely choose to bathe would meet his wrath. We all took turns. Life smells a little better now.

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