Book 2 Journal Entry 114

Book 2 Journal Entry 114

Journal 114

I had another nightmare about Aloysius. I don’t remember exactly what happened in my dream. I just remember being overwhelmed with panic. I know my dream was scary, frightening, and very disturbing. I must have been crying and making a fuss while sleeping because both Sheriff Pete and Tony woke me from my nightmare. I had a few moments of confusion. Sheriff Pete got a little too close to me. I bopped him hard and gave him a bloody nose. Tony in return slapped me across my face to bring me back to reality. His handprint is still on my cheek.

After apologizing to Pete and helping him clean up his nose, I sat out on the front steps and talked to Tony. We talked about nothing. I’m not even sure how long we were outside. I ignored the cold. Tony suggested we go back inside and go back to bed after he couldn’t keep his teeth from chattering.

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