Book 2 Journal Entry 100

Book 2 Journal Entry 100

Journal 100

The snow has stopped falling. It was a reasonably nice day. You could see blue sky instead of the solid covering of clouds. It’s still cold outside but not freezing. I took off one layer of clothes. I had four on. The snow has started to melt. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it warms up a little more.

We had visitors today. Three gang members from the followers of Aloysius dropped by to see if we needed any help with our sickness. Sheriff Pete didn’t let them stay long. He said we were doing just fine on our own. I guess you could say we are doing fine. People are recovering. No one else is near death. The followers of Aloysius left us a basket of herbs. We are supposed to make soup and make sure everyone has some. The soup is supposed to cure whatever ails us. I have my doubts but if it’s true then I wish the Followers of Aloysius had arrived a few days sooner.

Marty and Cecelia built a tent on one side of the room away from everyone. They are close enough to the fire barrels to keep warm. I went to check on Cecelia and the baby, but Marty wouldn’t let me in the tent. He said Cecelia and the baby needed their rest and that he wanted to keep everyone away from the baby. I understand but I have the feeling I am getting the cold shoulder.



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