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Month: July 2013

Book 2 Journal Entry 154

Book 2 Journal Entry 154

Journal 154

I started yelling for anyone that would listen. I wanted to know who thought they had the right to kick me out of my room. I was angry. Sheriff Pete was the first person up the stairs followed by Matt, Hemy and Jonas. Joshua kept trying to calm me down. If Joshua hadn’t been holding my right hand in his I would have punched Pete square in the nose.

Sheriff Pete was calm and didn’t seem distressed about my rant one small bit. Although, he was staying a good arms length away from my swing. Because Bear Country had a recent increase in gang members there was a shortage of vacant habitable rooms. Pete said since I was no longer the gang leader of Bear Country and since I had chosen not to take on a leadership role, I was being moved to a smaller room on the bottom floor. A family of four was going to use my room. They needed the space, and I didn’t.

It’s not that I wouldn’t have made the sacrifice and moved to the bottom floor but what I hate is that no one asked me. I deserved a little respect and a little warning. Hemy tried to make excuses by saying that I hadn’t been around to ask. Matt said the decision wasn’t made lightly. Jonas didn’t see what the big deal was at all.

I feel abandoned by my friends. Matt and Jonas would have still been wondering if I hadn’t invited them to join my gang in the first place. As for Pete, he wouldn’t be the leader of Bear Country if I hadn’t encouraged him to run for the office.

Book 2 Journal Entry 153

Book 2 Journal Entry 153

Journal 153

This day has really sucked.

My plans were to wake up early so that I could attend the burial of Gretchen and the baby. I spent the night at the Spurs Fort again. Joshua and I were up late. I don’t even know what time we went to bed. I didn’t make it to the funeral, and I feel horrible.

Joshua and I arrived at Bear Country just as the ceremony was ending. Sheriff Pete walked up to me and made the comment that it was nice of me to drop by and show my respect. His comment stung because it was meant as a reprimand. I tried to apologize to Marty and Cecelia for being late, but Pete grabbed my arm and asked me to leave them alone.

Joshua didn’t like the way Sheriff Pete grabbed me by my arm. Joshua shoved Pete. I stepped between them before either one had the chance to throw the first punch. I have accidentally alienated most of my friends. I’m not even sure exactly what I did. People hate me and I don’t even know why.

Matt and Hemy suggested that I stay out at the Spurs Fort for a few days and let things cool down in Bear Country. Jonas just gave me a shrug and walked away. I went to grab a few things out of my room only to find it empty of my stuff. Everything I owned was stacked in the hallway.

Book 2 Journal Entry 152

Book 2 Journal Entry 152

Journal 152

It has been more than a week since the disappearance of Lisa, Tony, and Victor. It is conceivable that they all died somewhere during the fighting, or they all decided to walk away and start a new life somewhere else. I think I prefer to think that Lisa, Tony and Victor decided to start up a new life somewhere else. I don’t want to think about any of them dead, not Tony.

I have been spending my days at Bear Country and my nights at the Spurs Fort. Joshua would prefer I spend all my time out at the Spurs Fort, but I am having difficulty leaving the home that I founded.

Sheriff Pete is a fine leader. He is attempting to restore Bear Country back to her former glory. He has invited several new people to join Bear Country. At least a dozen strangers walk the halls.

I had almost forgotten that we hadn’t buried Gretchen and the baby. Their bodies still lie in wait in the green house. I helped dig a hole out behind the football field today so that we could have Gretchen and the baby’s funeral tomorrow. Marty and Cecelia spent most of the day in the greenhouse. I couldn’t go in. It was too depressing and creepy.

Book 2 Journal Entry 151

Book 2 Journal Entry 151

Journal 151

The night under the stars was a nice one, although I did wake up twice; Once because Joshua was snoring in my ear and once because I had a feeling I was being watched or hovered over or something. I sat up expecting to see Tony standing before me. It was a very eerie feeling.

I spent the day with Matt, Hemy and Jonas looking around town for anyone who might know the whereabouts of Lisa, Victor, or Tony. I would like to know if they are alive or dead. I especially want to know what happened to Tony. It bugs me that I don’t know what happened to him. I need to know. I want to know. Most of the people the four of us ran into were polite but a few people didn’t want to be bothered. They had their own problems to deal with. We didn’t get any answers. Our friends have dropped off the face of the earth. Our last stop of the day was Hyatt’s Arcade. I think we had been his only customers for the day. The place had a ghost town feel. I half expected to see a tumbleweed roll across the floor. Hyatt gave the four of us a drink without expecting payment. We all talked for a little while and then said goodbye. Hyatt asked us to come back again. I like Hyatt.

When everything goes wrong, you know his establishment is going to be there.