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Month: May 2013

Book 2 Journal Entry 101

Book 2 Journal Entry 101

Journal 101

I went for a walk with Tony today. Things were stable in Bear Country. Tony and I walked all the way out to the Spurs Fort. It was so cold. It didn’t feel that cold when we began our journey but by the time we arrived at the Spurs Fort I was frozen to the bone. I was so happy to see smoke coming from the main house. It meant a decent fire inside and the possibility of warmth to defrost the parts of me that I could no longer feel. Tony and I knocked on the front door. Usually, one of Joshua’s guards’ answers but not this time. To our surprise, a follower of Aloysius answered the door. I stood in the open doorway curiously staring at this person. I was unable to speak partly because my face was frozen and partly because I was a little confused. Tony looked at me and then I looked at Tony. Tony asked for Joshua and the follower graciously let us in. The room was indeed warm.

I started to thaw as soon as the front door closed behind me. A dozen people occupied the room. About half of them dressed as if they were followers of Aloysius. The room had a strange feeling to it I really can’t explain.

I was getting ready to ask for Joshua again when he walked into the room. Joshua must have been horribly sick. He looked thin and his eyes looked tired. He seemed glad to see me. Joshua asked Tony and me if we wanted something hot to drink. We gladly accepted.