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Month: March 2013

Book 2 Journal Entry 59

Book 2 Journal Entry 59

Journal 59

I have been in my room most of the day. I can’t seem to shake the feeling that after Tony, Pete and I left Hyatt’s Arcade something awful happened. I had another night of nightmares. I woke up in a sweat and drenched to the bone. I dreamt Tony was Aloysius. The dream felt so real. I was so scared that I sat on my bed and cried for an hour. I wanted to go down to the basement to Tony’s room, but I was afraid the dream was real. I think I was afraid Tony was really Aloysius.

I am not a good friend. Joshua stopped by to see me today. I haven’t seen him in days and days. He said the all the cattle killed by the meteors and earthquakes are finally destroyed. I feel bad; I didn’t think of my friends and help with the cleanup. Joshua’s herd has dwindled down to only about 2 dozen cattle.

Joshua invited me to a party tomorrow. He said his gang needs a little diversion. I accepted the invitation. I apologized to Joshua for being so self-absorbed with my own life that I didn’t come to his aid and lend a helping hand.

Book 2 Journal Entry 57

Book 2 Journal Entry 57

Journal 57

I had another nightmare last night. I woke up about 2:30 am and climbed into bed with Tony. In my dream, I’m tied to a pole in the center of a large room. The room is pitch-black. I can’t see anything. I know people are there because I can hear them. Everyone is chanting. I can’t move. I’m cold. I wake up the moment I realize I am naked.

I sat in the seats of the theater with Sheriff Pete and Tony most of the afternoon. We drank coffee and ate a box of oatmeal cookies. We tried to piece together what happened after we left Hyatt’s arcade. I think it was just me trying to figure out what happened. Pete and Tony didn’t seem to care. They were more interested in the cookies. I have a nagging feeling that something bad happened.

Sheriff Pete said I worry too much. He thinks we just had too much to drink.

Tony isn’t upset about not remembering what happened to the three of us after we left Hyatt’s arcade. Tony isn’t even upset about being found in the park, passed out, drooling and smelling like vomit. Tony is upset about losing his favorite pair of jeans and being found in a pair of white pajama pants. I feel sorry for the person found wearing his pants.

Book 2 Journal Entry 56

Book 2 Journal Entry 56

Journal 56

As soon as we were able, Pete and I went looking for Tony. We split up into different directions. I looked everywhere. Inside Bear Country, outside Bear Country and all the way to Hyatt’s Arcade. I had almost given up hope of finding Tony. It was as if he fell off the edge of the Earth.

I was on my way home to Bear Country to get some help when I decided to cut through the park. I accidentally stumbled across Tony sleeping under a tree. He was half-naked wearing nothing but white pajama pants. I tried to shake him a wake. I slapped his face a couple of times. He just laid there snoring with drool running down the side of his face. I found a child’s bucket. Filled the bucket with water and poured it on top of Tony’s head. He woke up… and puked the moment his head came off the ground. Tony smelled like a winery mixed with vomit. Tony has no idea where he got the white pair of pajama pants.

It is a little scary not knowing where you have been. I hope I didn’t do anything I am going to regret later. The last thing I remember is playing pool at Hyatt’s Arcade. I remember asking for another drink and then waking up in my room after that horrible dream. Tony and Pete remember leaving the bar after ordering a drink to go. Neither of us remembers what happened after that moment.

Book 2 Journal Entry 55

Book 2 Journal Entry 55

Journal 55

I had an awful dream. I dreamt the followers were sacrificing me to Aloysius. In the dream I was naked, lying on an altar somewhere in the middle of the forest. The moon was full and high in the sky. A fog covered the ground. The followers of Aloysius surrounded me. They started pouring bottles of wine all over me to purify my soul. I had to go pee so bad. I kept asking if I could take a break to go to the bathroom, but no one would let me off the dang alter. I urinated all over their sacred altar. Unfortunately, that is when I woke up to a warm wet feeling. I am never going to get that smell out of my mattress.

I spent another evening at Hyatt’s Arcade with Pete and Tony. I think I need to stay away from the liquor. I am positive I drank one too many mixed drinks. I don’t even know what I was drinking. I really don’t like the stuff but after the first or second drink, it actually starts to taste decent.

I am not sure how I got back to Bear Country or when I came back. I must have returned with Pete because he is asleep on my rug, curled up like a puppy. I tried to wake Pete but every time I lean over my head starts to spin. Pete must have had more to drink than I did. Where is Tony?

Book 2 Journal Entry 54

Book 2 Journal Entry 54

Journal 54

I went to Hyatt’s arcade with Pete, Tony, and Jonas. We were having an enjoyable time until Tyson and Lisa appeared on the scene. I think I saw them first. Pete had his back to the door. He was bent over the pool table preparing for a shot. I stepped on Tony’s foot to get his attention. He let out an unexpected OUCH! Therefore, I elbowed him in the ribs and gestured for him to look toward Tyson and Lisa’s location. Pete thought we were teasing each other and asked us to keep the ruckus down so that he could make his shot. Tyson and Lisa didn’t acknowledge our presence. I don’t know if they saw us or not. Tyson was practically eating in Lisa’s face. They went into the back room where the pinball machines and dartboards were.

To try to avoid conflict I suggested we go somewhere else and party. I suggested a new bar that had opened a couple of streets over. I had heard it had a sound system and dance floor. Tony and Jonas were willing to go. Pete didn’t want to leave. He wanted to keep playing pool. We spent the next two hours trying to keep Pete from seeing Lisa or Tyson as they came out of the back room to buy more drinks.

There was one moment when I thought our efforts had failed. Pete went to the bathroom and a couple moments later Tyson walked into the bathroom. I was holding my breath expecting a fight. They didn’t see each other because a few moments later Pete walked out again.

Book 2 Journal Entry 52

Book 2 Journal Entry 52

Journal 52

Sheriff Pete got in a couple of good punches. Tyson kicked Pete in the abdomen. Pete went down hard. Matt and Jonas pinned Tyson to the wall.

Matt or Jonas slugged Tyson and he went down. I didn’t see which one. Both? I was trying to help Pete up off the floor. We threw Tyson out of Bear Country. I gave Lisa the option to follow. I yelled at her for causing the fight. Lisa’s irresponsibility caused the whole ruckus in the admin hallway. Lisa gave me the stare of death and followed Tyson out. I hope she doesn’t return.

Tony and I spent most of the day at Hyatt’s Arcade with Matt, Hemy and Jonas. We asked Sheriff Pete if he wanted to go with us, but he declined. Tony teased him by saying it was a good place to meet girls. Pete didn’t see the humor. Pete turned our invitation down and went to do his own thing.

Joshua and several members of the Spurs Gang were already at Hyatt’s arcade when we arrived. We spent the next couple of hours drinking, playing pool, and playing darts in a competition against the Spurs. Several followers of Aloysius interrupted our fun when they entered the arcade and started preaching. We tried to ignore them but after a while, it became difficult. The Hyatt tried to kick them out, but they wouldn’t leave. It took everyone in the arcade to get the Aloysius followers thrown out onto the street.

Book 2 Journal Entry 51

Book 2 Journal Entry 51

Journal 51

The nerve of some people, Tyson knew he wasn’t welcome in Bear Country. I’m sure Sheriff Pete made that perfectly clear the other day. Lisa should have known there was going to be discourse if she had Tyson stay the night. The girl needs her head examined. If Lisa and Tyson needed to spend time together, why didn’t they stay at his place? At least have him leave before the sun comes up.

Tony and I had slept in. We were up late last night playing cards and talking. Tony and I were snuggling when Pete tossed Tyson against the door to my room. Arms went everywhere. Tony nearly threw me out of bed.

Sheriff Pete and Tyson were in another fight. I dressed as quickly as I could. Tony went out into the hall with nothing but his shorts on. By the time I was dressed and made it out into the admin hallway, a dozen people were trying to stop the fight. Tony had a bloody nose and holding on to Pete. Matt and Jonas were struggling with their hold on Tyson.

Over the next few moments, Tyson and Pete threw insults and vulgarity at each other. Lisa is standing against the wall crying asking them to both stop.

As gang leader, Sheriff Pete demanded Tyson leave Bear Country. Tyson insisted he didn’t have to leave. Lisa could bring anyone she wanted into Bear Country. Tyson is not a smart man. He looked Pete straight in the eyes and added “Your jealous Lisa is sharing her bed with me.”

That’s when Pete broke loose from Tony’s grip.